

南洋理工大学(Nanyang Technological University,简称NTU)位于新加坡东北部 。学校共有三个校区,主校区占地200公顷,面积相当于24个足球场; 另有两个附属校区,面积7公顷和15公顷。 学校的教学建筑群气势宏伟,有“森林大厦”之称。教学楼内配有自助服务终端、网上图书馆和多媒体教室等现代设施。

学生公寓宽敞明亮,配有空调、冷热水供应、电冰箱、洗衣机和其他生活用具。学校餐厅提供风味独特的美食,校园周围有各类商店和银行,满足学生的日常生活需求。 南大学生的入学资格由教育部选拔而产生,平均每年只有约3%的新加坡公民及永久居民的申请会被录取。被录取的学生必须拥有卓越的学术成就以及强大的学习能力。尽管每年有超过10000名新考生申请入学,但是能够被录取到这所大学的人却少之又少。所以能在NTU读书无疑是一种荣誉。


我2019年申请NUS 的时候,就住在Pasir Ris(碧山). 因为这边的宿舍比较便宜. Pasir is an up and coming suburban housing estate on the eastern side of Singapore's Central Area with easy access to city centre and shopping malls as well as good schools, healthcare facilities etc... It has a very large concentration of Chinese residents here so it will be hard for you to blend into the rest of society but this was not my case when I lived there in late '19/early '20.

The area had lots of bars, restaurants, coffee shops along Orchard Road but also near Orchard MRT station (about 5 mins walk) have many cheap food outlets like hawker centres, noodle places etc where you can get your fill of spicy chilli cravings at reasonable prices (for locals and expats alike). In short, I enjoyed living here despite being surrounded by Chinese people.
